The first section, or “Title” of the ADA addresses employment discrimination. The fundamental principle is full and equal access to employment opportunity for all. This means they cannot refuse to hire on the basis of disability, they must make trainings and other opportunities available, they cannot deny promotion, and they must pay fairly. Employers cannot deny benefits on the basis of disability. Of course, this includes the right to work in an environment that is free of harassment.
The ADA applies to employers with 15 or more employees, other laws such as state laws and the Rehabilitation Act may apply as well. The ADA applies broadly, encompassing all interactions from applications all the way to trainings, promotions, and terminations. The term "disability" includes every impairment that limits at least one life activity.
If you are required to take leave from work because of a disability or because you are caring for someone with a medical condition, you may have additional rights on that basis. Please set up a free initial consultation if you believe you have experienced workplace discrimination on the basis of disability or illness. Typically, you will have to bring a charge within 180 days. The clock may start earlier than you may think, so do not delay.On This Page
Most employers with 15 or more employees have to follow the ADA. The ADA requires employers to help employees with disabilities. That might include providing interpreters, screen reading technology, or additional training and support at work. Employees and employers must work together to come up with a plan to provide accommodations. Employees may also have time off work for some medical conditions. It is important to act quickly if accommodations are not provided.